The central takeaway is that optimal strategies for changing problematic behaviors require harnessing our deep-seated ancestral nature rather than ignoring it or working against it” (Tybur and Griskevicius). Research of evolutionary studies by Tybur, shows that “a deeper understanding of the ancestral roots of modem behavior can provide a fresh perspective for policy makers and public administrators while also providing fertile ground for novel research and applications for altering behavior.

Possibilities of the guardians also not having an understanding of the background to pass down, plays a large role in why our younger generations do not understand where they came from. The background of ancestral pasts is something that has not become as important to the guardians to share with children. Majority of society does not realize how different we humans vary in numerous, unique ways. The belief that we can do anything we set our minds to is the best motto! The goal could be a personal, physical, or mental goal Krapohl explains “in reality, much of what students are able to achieve is related to a variety of factors that are inherited to some degree, including intelligence, personality characteristics, are beliefs about one’s ability to be effective and reach goals (Krapohl et al., 2014)” (qtd. Continuously feeling as if we cannot reach a goal that has been set can affect our perspective. The same goes for the opposite scenario with positivity.Ĭonstantly feeling as if there is nothing more one can do to get to where they would like to be, is a reason on why one could have a negative perspective. If one is surrounded by depressed, anxiety filled acquaintances one will begin to start feeling depression. The environmental factors of our unique lives, contribute a massive amount to our point of view. Perspective begins to be formed even before a toddler begins talking. The moment we start trying to map out what is going on around us, we start collecting and justifying the right from wrong, why we feel as if our choices were correct, and so forth. Point of view is collected and justified throughout our entire lives. Positive influence within the daily life can alter a negative perspective by having a conclusive influential surroundings, healthy lifestyles choices, and implementing actions for personal gratitude. Change, in general, is not something that majority of us humans like to do, in the first place. Making the changes to positively alter a perspective is not easy, by any means.

It is all in the hands of the one who would like to have a better outlook on their daily life, to make that change. It is very well possible for one to alter one’s perspective. Many believe that it is not humanly possible, to alter their perspective. Every person who walks this Earth has his or her own perspective.